Thanks for the kind words so far. This was a tough issue to write, so many of the scenes as they were in my head were coming out all wrong on paper, and the issue outline looked solid, but as I kept arranging scenes, I found myself unhappy with the layout. So it's good to see the issue was still strong (for some people so far at least LOL).
Injustice Unlimited is a fun group to write, and hopefully in the next few issues, their reach will get demonstrated better. I'm trying to build a bit of a different villain group here, and I think it's working. And it's always great to see second- and third-tier villains get a boost up. And Skull and Penny I just keep falling in love with. Their epic love story is just beginning. LOL
The Batman sequence went down well, if not where I imagined it in the story. heh But I felt this had to be done, for the various levels that it was presented on, and personally, I'm proudest of the way it really shows the strategic ability of Wonder Woman, something often overlooked in our Amazin Amazon. Glad that again, others appreciate the result. My favorite bit was the way Ollie reacts to the disciplining, though. Ollie's always got his perspective on things after all.
I'm happy with getting some of these new characters on board at long last, especially the...hub of the story. We need a good, solid replacement for the Bat after all
Glad you're excited for the next issue, Charlie, because wait until you see who is really behind the plot of the story.
And thank you, Sam, for complimenting my characters. All of them are such strong personalities, and in a team book with only a comparatively few words, it's tough to give them all a moment. Some of them kind of faded into the background this issue (including guest-star Black Lightning, who I have been very excited to have, and was going to be on my League roster originally but he was off to Global Guardians...and he got short shrift sadly after all my waiting to get to him; next issue, Jefferson, I promise you
), but rest assured, they'll get their moments next issue.
More good response on the Batman sequence, and I'm glad. And yeah, it can be tough keeping in mind who in the continuity knows what. LOL Fortunately, being a wielder of truth as a weapon, Diana's usually in the know.
The Dibnys will always be near and dear to my heart, and if I can keep Ralph up front, I will
And thanks to you, Jay, for complimenting the Batman scene. I feel even better about it now. I was worried how it would be received when I first pitched it to the Bat-writers, but they seemed okay with it, and so far, it looks like a winner here. And I'm glad.
Yeah, Double Dare tried to pull a fast one on IU. They know better now. At least they got good medical attention, right?
There was a ton of continuity nods running in this issue, and that made it a fun challenge, actually. Not just the Green Arrow nods (to his own title AND his recent Outsiders time), but Diana's recent sojourn, Susan's time travel tale, the Bat-events...there's a lot going on out in our little DC2U, and we should be proud of it, and trying to get a sense of it in a book like this...well it's a challenge! But it's fun, it really is, to get those moments into the title, and rewarding when its noticed.
I already told Charlie, who I've worked with on coordinating the Question (another of my wished for League members when I started, but not accessible...then as I was outlining this, Charlie said "If you want him for League now, he's ready" and I whooped!), the Question's lines to Gypsy (yes, that's Gypsy of JL Detroit fame
) aren't really about the fight they're in. Honestly, she can hardly tip the balance against Byth if Wonder Woman and the like are having trouble. LOL No..Question's not only got this one figured out, he's two or three adventures down the road on the Justice League, and wait until you see who he's talking about turning the tide against. I'm very happy to have the Question at last.
Penny and Skull...where are those crazy kids headed? They are meant to be my "Super-powered Bonnie and Clyde" so yeah...tragedy is coming up the pike for them, it would seem.
And yay! Yes, the Wonder Twins. Just when you thought Manitou Dawn was the worst I'd sink, here comes Zan and Jayna! Hang on to your hats!
Glad you all liked it, and just wait until it all ramps up next issue!
take care