Post by Admin on Apr 30, 2009 17:32:26 GMT -5
Please let us know what you think!
Post by HoM on Apr 30, 2009 23:59:11 GMT -5
A perfect companion piece to Don's Justice League run! This and your last arc on the book (still ongoing) have been amazing, tying in plot points and threads that I'd nearly forgotten about, and this, a tie-in of sorts to Susan's Justice League arc, was simply amazing! Manitou Dawn's power and potential was showcased her in a way that I adored, Kid Eternity had one of, if not the, best Justice League moments of the year so far, Hawkman-as-best-man was a brilliant concept, and Brian, you're such a crazy man, the scene with Jean's grandmother was terrible in a most fantastic way (though the reference to Jean being like that in a few years time immediately snapped me into remember Identity Crisis, so, ehh... ). Like you mentioned in our chats before, the moments where Vandal Savage undermined the Lord of Time by simply calling the plays as he saw them coming was brilliant, and showcases Vandal as the premier villain that he should be, and making the Justice League a true force to be reckoned with! And that ending, whilst it could have slipped in to a pure diabetic fit of sweetness, worked perfectly, and tied together a perfect package, and an awesome Justice League story-line! Five well deserved stars!
Post by starlord on May 3, 2009 3:00:31 GMT -5
First I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to work with Don on this Annual. It's always a pleasure to work him. He's got a real love for these characters that I both admire and respect.
The story was great and I couldn't have been more pleased to have had my name associated with it.
Thank you Sir and great stuff!
Post by lissilambe on May 4, 2009 20:29:24 GMT -5
And you, Brian, are an equal pleasure to work with. It's great seeing you handle these characters, you have such a grasp over what makes these character tick. The wedding book-ends (written totally by Brian alone) were amazingly sweet and romantic, and sappy in the best sense of the word. It was a pleasure to get to write the words that connected those scenes.
Charlie, thanks for the great words. The scene with Kit is one I've been dying to write out since I first plotted the issue out. See, Brian, I can be a sappy romantic too. LOL This was a fun issue to write, once I got the elements nailed down, it wrote itself really. And it was great to both build off of and yet also presage Susan's great JL/WWQ story, and a big thanks to her for making it possible.
Now back to "Inustice Unbound!" and the stunning conclusion to that story. Wait until you see part three, out next week, for a cliffhanger that changes the League's status but good.
Take care Don
Post by mockingbird on May 4, 2009 21:08:43 GMT -5
this was really phenomenal, and yaeah, partly because I'm another sappy romantic XD Brian, I was tearing up during those pre-wedding vows. There were so many great moments, of course I loved Kit's moment too i've already gushed on the Pull List, but I had to come over here and gush a little more. I really enjoyed the Lord of Time, quite a fun personality, and I kind of wished i'd seen more of him. But in a good way, I think, in a leave-them-wanting-more kind of way.